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Bruker Optik GmbH, Germany

Otsuka Electronics, Co. Ltd., Japan

San Diego, USA

Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Germany
End Users

Example Projects

Gas Monitoring
Software for continuous monitoring of changing gas concentrations.
Works with Bruker, Nicolet, Otsuka FTIRs
24/7/365 operation with automatic file/disk space management
CLS method editor
Remote monitoring
Finger Optimized UX
A hand-held device with a small touch screen required custom interface with high-contrast color schemes suitable for operation in a field on a bright sunny day.

Instrument Control
Software presented in the commercial was developed with assistance from Enformatic.
Quality Control
Fully automated, real-time monitoring of the chemical coating process by units dispersed across manufacturing facility. Operator and engineer dashboards, MDrive motor controls, FTIR measurements, Modbus, Web Services …

Data Mining / Visualization
Distance matrix and dendrogram for detection of groups of similar patterns. Graphical and tabular representation.
Online Hyperspectral Viewer
Using any web browser, analyze large hyperspectral data measurements stored in the cloud.

Raw data from the hyperspectral camera collected during a flight over Tuscany in Italy needed to be correctly matched with IMS/GPS data in order to be imported into orthorectification software.
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